Oral Health and Dental Veneers

If you are showing any signs of dental damage, it is important to visit our office for a tooth restoration or repair. Various options are available to enhance your smile, but one of the most impressive is the cosmetic dental procedure, dental veneers. Dental veneers, also referred to as porcelain veneers or dental porcelain laminates, are highly effective restoration techniques... read more »

For Those Who Find it Hard to Floss

Flossing is the ugly stepchild of dental hygiene. It is the most neglected oral health habit with only four out of 10 Americans reporting that they floss at least once a day, and 20 percent never floss at all. This terrible statistic needs to change. The problem may be that it is somewhat difficult and bothersome to wind that green... read more »

Healthy and Unhealthy Foods

How would you rate your diet in terms of its effect on your waistline? Similarly, how would you rank your diet in terms of your oral health? In both instances, you should make sure that you are doing everything you can to minimize the risks associated with your diet. If you're not eating the right foods and drinking the right... read more »

Quick Fixes for Bad Breath at Home

Is bad breath a daily occurrence for you? Also known as halitosis, bad breath can result in embarrassment or shame that affects your social interactions. Our dentist and team offer a few at-home methods that can help you keep your breath fresh: - Drink water: One of the simplest methods to treat bad breath is to increase your water intake.... read more »

How to Maintain White Teeth

If you have recently whitened you’re smile, you’re probably wondering how to maintain those wonderful results. Everyone likes a white and bright smile, right? Well, our dentist, Dr. Amir Nikraz, would be happy to help you maintain those results as long as possible. To help you, he encourages you to do the following things: -Avoid tooth-staining substances: Tooth-staining substances, like... read more »

Optimum Smile Construction: Building a Cleaner Smile

If your oral health care is at risk in any aspect of your life, you will need to have preventive treatments in place to help keep your smile safe. Tooth hazard risks can arrive in different avenues of your life. Only by implementing effective oral health care treatments can you hope to improve your smile and avoid dental damage as... read more »

Your Toothache May Need A Treatment from an Endodontist

The outer layer on each of your teeth made up of a durable substance known as tooth enamel. Its mineral density is what gives your teeth the structural integrity to perform their basic function, while also protecting the sensitive internal structures of the tooth. Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in your body. But it isn’t impervious to damage or... read more »

The Depth of Your Dental Stains Will Determine the Best Whitening Method

The enamel layer on each of your teeth is actually covered with microscopic pores. These pores can deepen and expand as a result of poor oral hygiene habits and the chronic presence of plaque acids. When you consume dark beverages and foods or use tobacco, small, dark deposits can accumulate in these.  If these deposits are not removed by your... read more »

Untreated Dry Mouth Can Promote Other Oral Health Conditions

Saliva plays an important role in lubricating your mouth when eating, speaking, and breathing. It also helps to gradually wash away food particles that linger in your mouth after a snack or a meal. If something affects healthy saliva production, the bacterial matter in your mouth could increase the density of plaque acids, and the promote the development of hardened... read more »